4 seasons of a menstrual cycle

4 illustrations, each representing the 4 seasons of the menstrual cycle as outlined in Maisie Hill’s book, 'Period Power’. Each season can bring its own feelings, energy levels, and behaviours.


Winter menstrual season - by Gav S

At the start of a period, hormones have collapsed to their lowest levels. It can result in feeling emotional, vulnerable, fatigued, and sometimes in pain. It is a time to prioritise self-care, nourishment, and retreat.

Maisie mentions in her book, having a period can serve as an anchor, the inward focus of Winter gives an opportunity to stop, take stock, assess your cycle, and let go.

“.. when the outer lights of the world turn down and our inner lights go up, and for our inner lights to be their most bright, they require darkness.”

Alexandra Pope - Maisie Hill, Period Power.


Spring menstrual season - by Gav S

Feeling lighter with more energy, Spring is a time for new beginnings. An increase in the “Beyonce” hormone oestrogen, brings enthusiasm, productivity, and wanting to be sociable.

The world can feel like your oyster but it’s important to take it steady and not to burn out. Maisie’s book advises nurturing and growing those ideas before exposing them to the world and using this time to dream big.

“As your creativity bubbles away, you might come up with a big idea or ten, but it wouldn't be wise to start shouting about it just yet. Keep your cards close to your chest for a while, protect those new shoots of yours and let them harden before you share them with the world.”

Maisie Hill, Period Power

Summer menstrual season - by Gav S


Oestrogen reaches its peak and a few other hormones have arrived too, it’s summertime! The feeling of being invincible and on top of the world can be a great place to be. The push to ovulation results in feeling flirty, confident, and super sociable.

All this energy can crush to-do lists but can also lead to feeling restless and sometimes distracted due to the biological urge to want to find a partner to procreate with.

“You are more than a reproductive vessel and can use the ovulatory spike of hormones for a whole host of other exciting possibilities; pleasure, both in and out of the bedroom; improving your athletic abilities; and nailing it in your professional life. “

Maisie Hill, Period Power

Autumn menstrual season - by Gav S


The feelings of being detached and withdrawn signal a shift in seasons. Autumn can often bring feelings of anger, irritability, and a sensitivity to criticism, not only from others.

It’s not all doom and gloom, listening to what that inner critic is saying and clearing out what no longer serves can be a cathartic exercise. Self-care looks like; saying no, letting others help, and planning ahead.

“And if, for some reason - let's say you're sat next to your good-for-nothing, mouth-breathing colleague in a meeting, and they dare to suggest that you haven't pulled your weight - you go all Mother of Dragons, then it's worth remembering that from time to time, scorching the Earth is important because it clears the way for new growth and acts as a fertiliser. “

Maisie Hill, Period Power


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